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Snippets from My Journal #8

Barbara R. Houseman

And looking at them, Jesus said to them, ‘With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’  Matthew 19:26

Lord, forgive me for all the times in my life when I thought that the solution to a situation or circumstance was ‘impossible’.  Forgive me for small thinking!

This present circumstance is only impossible when I measure it by my limited thinking and my limited understanding.  But Your Word says that I ‘have the mind of Christ.’  In Your mind, Jesus, there’s NOTHING impossible about this present situation – absolutely nothing!

You have unlimited ability and creativity to resolve situations and turn circumstances around to Your purposes for my life.  My frame of reference is so limited; yours is limitless.  When I think something is ‘impossible’ it’s only because I’m using limited human measurement or perspective.  Forgive me, Lord, for my limited thinking.

You are outrageously GOOD! You are unlimited and unstoppable, and You delight to do what is beyond our imagination, what exceeds our dreams, and what overwhelms our small thinking.  When You act according to Your infinite wisdom and love towards us, we fall on our faces in awe and wonder at Your greatness and Your glory.

Lord, I love it when You surprise me! I love it when Your answers to my cries are so ‘out of the box’ of my thinking that I am reminded again of how great, how awesome, how loving, how compassionate, how merciful and how utterly amazing You are!

Jesus, I don’t want to live by my human understanding.  Nor do I want to live by the so-called wisdom of this world. I want to live by Your wisdom, Your understanding and Your perfect timing for I know that ‘impossible’ is not in Your heavenly dictionary!

Lord, You know my deep desire – You know the burden of my heart at this time. Lord Jesus, please surprise me again. I cast down every imagination of how You will answer my prayer; I choose to wait on You with full expectation of another heavenly and delightful surprise, for You act according to Your holiness, Your righteousness and Your boundless love.

I love you, Lord. By Your Holy Spirit, grant me grace to fulfill what the Father wrote in my book.


Note to my readers:  Whatever is happening in your life right now that seems impossible to you, I challenge you to move out of the ‘impossible’ mindset and lock on to God’s limitless possibility and creativity.  There is NOTHING too hard for God; NOTHING impossible with Him.  And His ways are far beyond anything we can imagine, so trust Him and He WILL make the impossible, POSSIBLE!

And He’ll do it in such a way that only HE gets all the glory!

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